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Day 4: Calling in Prosperity for the New Year #blogboost

By January 03, 2025 ,

Hello again, magical souls! 🌙✨ How’s your January shaping up so far? If you’re anything like me, now that we’ve cleansed our spaces and set our intentions, it’s time to focus on something we all love: prosperity.

Now, before you picture rolling in piles of gold coins like a witchy Scrooge McDuck, let’s talk about what prosperity really means. It’s not just about money—it’s about abundance in all its forms. Health, happiness, creativity, connection—all of it.

So grab your favorite green candle (or any candle, really), and let’s conjure some abundance together.

What Does Prosperity Look Like for You?

Before we dive into rituals, let’s get clear on what prosperity means to you. Is it a thriving career? A deeper sense of peace? More time for your passions?

Interactive idea: Take a moment and jot down 2-3 things you want to call in this year. For me, it’s financial stability, creative inspiration, and a steady supply of chocolate (because priorities).

Step 1: A Simple Prosperity Ritual

Ready to bring those dreams to life? Here’s a quick and easy ritual:

You’ll need:

  • A green or gold candle (for abundance)
  • A coin or piece of jewelry (to symbolize wealth)
  • A pinch of cinnamon (optional, but cinnamon loves to amplify prosperity)


  1. Light your candle and take a deep breath.
  2. Hold the coin or jewelry in your hand and focus on your intentions.
  3. Say (or whisper): “I welcome prosperity in all forms. May abundance flow to me with ease and grace.”
  4. Sprinkle a little cinnamon around the base of the candle (carefully!) to amplify the energy.
  5. Let the candle burn for a few minutes, then snuff it out.

Interactive idea: What’s one small action you’ll take to welcome prosperity this week? Maybe it’s starting a savings plan, launching a new project, or even just clearing out your wallet to make space for fresh energy.

Step 2: Create a Prosperity Corner

This is like a vision board, but make it witchy! Choose a small corner of your home to dedicate to abundance.

Ideas to include:

  • Coins or dollar bills (to represent wealth)
  • Crystals like citrine, pyrite, or green aventurine
  • A plant or flowers (because growth is the ultimate symbol of prosperity)

Interactive idea: Share a photo of your prosperity corner or describe what you’d put in yours.

Step 3: Gratitude, the Ultimate Magnet

Here’s a little secret: gratitude is the fastest way to attract abundance. When you’re thankful for what you already have, you open the door for more.

Take a moment each evening to list three things you’re grateful for. They can be as small as “a cozy blanket” or as big as “a surprise bonus at work.”

Interactive idea: What’s one thing you’re grateful for today? For me, it’s this community of magical folks who make blogging such a joy.


And there you have it—your guide to calling in prosperity for the New Year. Remember, abundance isn’t about perfection; it’s about inviting more of what you need and love into your life.

What’s your favorite prosperity ritual or practice? Let’s chat in the comments (or your journal), and I’ll see you tomorrow for more January magic.

Blessed be, and may your year overflow with abundance! 🌒🌕🌘

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  1. I love this! I am going to start with a daily ritual for prosperity! I will have to get a gold candle this weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Like Paul, I'll be getting a candle for a prosperity ritual too! One meaning of prosperity for me means space to work on my business and podcast, not just physical space or time, but the mental space too. Thanks so much for the prompts!
