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#AtoZChallenge - Theme Announcement

By March 17, 2023 ,


Theme: Witches & Paganism

I don't know if I should thank Denise Dekker for this or push her into a puddle (kidding, of course). We met since we will be blogging together at Hazardous to Your Sanity (author/writer contributor blog)

Anyone else have a difficult time blogging regularly? They say 3 weeks makes a pattern, so my hope is that this challenge gets me back to blogging on a regular basis (I am totally good with 3 times a week).

I've never participated in anything like this, so please feel free to call me out if I'm saying to much in each post or not enough.

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  1. Hi, I found your blog on the theme reveal list. I'd known about the A to Z Blogging event for several years, but I never joined until 2021. Iw as a little hesitant then, but I enjoyed it, so I returned last year and will be back this year as well. i asked and they said my posts could be as long as I wanted.
    Jamie (

    1. Welcome back! It's great that you are doing it. I'd love to make this a yearly tradition as well. It seems like everyone loves it.

  2. Welcome to the challenge! :) I am excited for this theme!
    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Thanks for stopping in. I am excited to share with everyone and hope the theme goes well.
