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How do I Help an #Author ( #aspiringauthor ) #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #AuthorsofTwitter #IndieAuthor

By July 27, 2022 ,


It’s nothing new to hear that being an author – or trying to be one – can be stressful. Everyone wants to be able to live from doing what they love. Authors are no different.

They have the same pressure, plus deadlines (even if they are indie authors), trying to promote – and just wishing someone would notice them.

They start their social media accounts at 0. Some get lucky and someone finds them and decides to interact and share. Others sit on the sidelines hoping someone will look their way. With thousands of books released daily – it is a difficult world and many authors also hold full time jobs.


Here are some ways to help authors – most cost nothing!

1) See if they have a promo team or help them put one together – this team would re-share posts on any social platforms they are on and can even host virtual meet and greets with readers and the author – even if they haven’t published yet. It’s a great time to assist them in getting out there for their first release or pre-order.

2) Become a beta reader – unpaid position and tons of sneak looks at what they are writing along with the opportunity to give feedback on their stories – what you love, what you don’t, and where you would like to know more.

3) Get on their ARC team or help them build one – first looks at reads and the chance to be first publish reviews

4) Share their book covers

5) Share their social media and repost their content.

6) Comment on their social media posts, like their social media posts

7) Review their books and put the review on as many platforms as you can and share these reviews on social media.

8) Take a photo of their book while reading it and share on social media

9) Recommend their book to your local library – if the author is local, suggest a signing or meet and greet. If not, see if they are able to host a virtual Q&A or meet and greet.

10) Request to review their book

11) Place reviews or share the reviews from others as much as you can on social media platforms.

12) Have a local book store? Talk to them about carry the book, a meet and greet or signing (virtual or in person).

13) Host an author on your blog

14) Start a book club and feature them

15) Buy their book

16) Purchase and give their book as a gift to others (remember if you have an ARC copy, those are not to be given away)

17) Connect with the author on their social media platforms and share their platform with your connections.

18) Encourage them – even if they aren’t a personal friend. Kindness goes a long way

19) One more time – invite them to speak about their book or work in progress – anywhere and everywhere.

20) Encourage readers to purchase directly from the author when that is an option. 

21) Keep their books, works in progress, social media accounts, etc in the public’s eye – rep their merchandise (bookmarks, stickers, mugs, t-shirts)

If you’ve made it this far, I thank you and authors everywhere appreciate you!

Do you have other tips? Leave a comment!

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